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10 yoga asana to boost bone health in older people



In this post, we discuss very useful yoga movements to increase the strength of bones in the elderly………..

We introduce 10 useful movements in yoga, so stay with me, dear friends….

1- cobra pose (behujangasana)

yoga tips for beginners



Cobra Pose strengthens the spine, promoting
better bone health in the back. It stretches the
chest, lungs, shoulders, and abdomen. This
pose also helps improve posture and flexibility
in the spine.

2- Locust Pose (Salabhasana)

a woman doing locust

Locust Pose strengthens the spine, buttocks
and backs of the arms and legs. It promotes
better posture and spinal alignment. This pose
can help alleviate lower back pain and improve


3-Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha savasana )

Downward-Facing Dog stretches the spine
shoulders, and hamstrings, promoting
flexibility, It strengthens the arms, legs, and
wrists, supporting bone health. This pose helps
improve overall body posture and balance


4-Chair Pose (Utkatasana)



Chair Pose strengthens the thighs, hips, and
lower back, improving bone density. It enhances
balance and stability, reducing the risk of falls
This pose also stimulates the abdominal org ans
and diaphragm

5-Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)


Bridge Pose strengthens the spine, hips, and
thighs, supporting bone health. It opens the
chest and shoulders, improving respiratory
function. This pose also helps alleviate back
pain and enhances overall flexibility

6-Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

triangle pose in yoga


Triangle Pose strengthens the legs, knees,
ankles, arms, and chest, It stretches the spine
shoulders, and hamstrings, promoting
flexibility. This-pose enhances overall body
alignment and stability.

7- Warrior ll (Virabhadrasana l)

elderly yoga

Warrior I helps build strength in the legs, hips,
and arms, supporting bone health. It
encourages greater hip flexibility and stamina.
This pose improves balance and concentration
reducing the risk of falls.

8-Warrior I (Virabhadrasana l)


worrior yoga elderly

Warrior I pose strengthens the bones and
muscles of the legs, hips, and arms. It enhances
flexibility and stability in the hips and
shoulders. This pose also stretches the chest
and lungs, improving breathing


9- Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

tree pose yoga adult

Tree Pose strengthens the legs, especially the
ankles and calves, improving balance. It helps
enhance bone density in the legs and hips by
bearing weight on one leg. This pose also
promotes focus and concentration.

10-Mountain Pose (Tadasana)


mountain pose elderly people


This foundational pose improves posture and
balance, promoting proper alignment. ‘It helps
strengthen the spine, legs, and ankles
Practicing Tadasana can enhance overall body
awareness and stability


so encourage elder individual to embrace yoga 

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